Spending enough time eating each meal can greatly aid in satiety (feelings of fullness) and help to reduce overeating. Here’s why 20 minutes is the ideal amount of time you should devote to each meal. During a meal, the satiety signals CCK and leptin are produced in response to food and nutrients entering the stomach, while ghrelin—the hunger hormone—is gradually suppressed. As these hormones fluctuate, they signal to the brain that there is optimal nutrition in the gut. This helps to promote the feeling of comfortable satiety from a meal. This fluctuation in hormones reduces the reward from food and turns off signals to continue eating, which also helps to reduce overeating3. But here’s the kicker: These hormones don’t function like light switches, meaning they don’t immediately turn hunger signals on or off. They are more like volume knobs that gradually increase or decrease a signal over a period of time. This means that when we are eating a meal, our hormones are slowly shifting to tell the brain we are satisfied, but this process takes time.  The exact window of time for hormonal shifts to occur is not known, but as a registered dietitian, I say a good rule of thumb is to aim for mealtime to take a full 20 minutes or more. This 20-minute eating window ensures that the satiety hormones from the gut are able to effectively communicate their message to the brain to signal for satiety or continued hunger. If mealtime is less than 20 minutes, we may eat past the point of satiety and find at the 20-minute mark we are overly full. (I know we have all been there before!) Alternatively, if you find at the 20-minute mark you are still hungry, eat more until you are satisfied.

Why You Should Spend 20 Minutes Eating Each Meal  From An RD - 68Why You Should Spend 20 Minutes Eating Each Meal  From An RD - 11Why You Should Spend 20 Minutes Eating Each Meal  From An RD - 27Why You Should Spend 20 Minutes Eating Each Meal  From An RD - 15Why You Should Spend 20 Minutes Eating Each Meal  From An RD - 20