This extra light not only makes it seem like there have been full moons for a few nights in a row, but it’s also long provided farmers with more light to harvest their summer crops—hence the name “Harvest Moon.” (Not to mention this is the time of year when farmers harvest the last of their crops ahead of winter.) And along with being a significant moon for farmers of the past, this moon also has significance spiritually, with the autumn equinox representing the halfway point of the astrological year and full moons being a time of great release and transformation. As astrologer Molly Pennington, Ph.D., explains to mbg, equinox moon cycles (aka the full moons closest to the fall and spring equinox) represent a larger marrying of the two halves of the year. In the case of the Harvest Moon, in the six months leading up to it, we experience the height of the year’s energy on the summer solstice, with a slow but steady decline to equilibrium on the fall equinox. Then after the equinox, she explains, we experience the shortest day of the year on the winter solstice and the slow but steady lengthening of days until another day of equal light and dark on the spring equinox. And the cycle continues. “So the Harvest Moon is when you can take stock, see where you are, and acknowledge your growth,” Pennington explains, adding, “And then on the other side, you’ve reaped the benefits and you can enjoy them before it goes quiet, before the new birth again at the solstice in spring.” As the AstroTwins previously wrote for mbg, September’s full moon is always known as the Corn Moon, while October’s is known as the Hunter’s Moon. And if September’s full moon is closer to the equinox than October’s, the Harvest Moon that year would be a Corn Moon. Under a Corn Moon, the twins say, you want to focus on “celebrating agricultural fertility and feminine energy.” If October’s full moon is closer to the equinox, on the other hand, the twins say a Hunter’s Moon is a good time to “Reflect on the summer months and set autumnal intentions,” they say. In addition to which month the Harvest Moon falls in, it will also fall under a particular astrological sign and season. Harvest moons always take place during either Virgo or Libra season, and under the sign of Pisces or Aries, respectively. That’s because every full moon will fall under the opposite sign of the current astrological season. Or in other words, the full moon during Virgo season is always in Pisces, while Libra season’s full moon is always in Aries. And according to the twins, an Aries full moon is a time to “celebrate what you love about yourself and release any negative vibes around your self-image,” while a Pisces full moon “represents mystical oceanic waters” and is a good time to “visit a large body of water, take a dip, or listen to waves via audio recording.” Keeping those themes in mind, here are some more things you can do to lean into the energy of the Harvest Moon:

What To Know About The Harvest Moon   How To Work With Its Energy - 29What To Know About The Harvest Moon   How To Work With Its Energy - 63What To Know About The Harvest Moon   How To Work With Its Energy - 32What To Know About The Harvest Moon   How To Work With Its Energy - 91What To Know About The Harvest Moon   How To Work With Its Energy - 70What To Know About The Harvest Moon   How To Work With Its Energy - 99