It should be noted, however, that dark green can mean something a little different from emerald. When it comes to auras, this color is associated with jealousy, pride, and feeling like a victim. “They can compare themselves to others. They may also find it difficult to take criticism because it feels like an attack,” Hira says. “They may have a victim mindset, focusing on blaming others rather than taking responsibility for themselves.” Kaiser adds those who feel this way would benefit from getting out in nature and grounding themselves through earthing, or placing your bare feet on the grass. “Green frequencies resonate with the vibration of the heart chakra because they are center of personal growth and healing,” Kaiser explains. “It’s about opening up your heart more to others and life itself,” Hira adds. “It’s also about not being afraid to express vulnerability because this is a great way for those who want to heal and grow along their journey.” Because those with green auras are interested in healing emotionally, physically, and spiritually, working with the energy of the heart chakra is important. “When we have a closed heart, sometimes we can block ourselves from giving and receiving unconditional love and healing to ourselves and others,” Hira says. “When we allow ourselves to open our hearts more, this gives us the ability to be open to let go, change, and grow.” “They tend to [overextend] themselves to please those around them,” Kaiser adds, “but this loyalty may not always be returned in the same manner, so the emotional buildup occurs. They are easily influenced by others, so creating clear boundaries is important for them.” “It’s important [for them] to surround themselves with a creative and caring partner—a creative yellow aura or adventurous orange type is a good fit,” she says, “someone who enjoys personal growth, spending time in nature, and trying new things. Greens are rooted in balance, so seeking a partner who values this too will help them feel more loved.” Hira echoed these thoughts, adding green auras have a way of bringing out a “sense of calmness and comfort in you from their presence alone because they are such well-balanced individuals.” A career that allows connection with people, nature, or animals is particularly exciting for someone with a green aura, Hira explains. (Think doctors, reiki masters, veterinarians, environmentalists, etc.) “Someone with a green aura may be more extroverted, open, social, and friendly in the workplace,” she says, which helps them build strong work relationships. And “[they] may also exhibit creative skills and a key eye for detail, allowing them to come on with practical and realistic ideas when it comes to campaigns and projects.” “Green aura personality represents growth and change,” Kaiser adds. “In business, it represents originality, goal-setting, innovativeness, and new beginnings. In work, they thrive on new projects and excel during change. They work best with a growth plan and area of focus to achieve too.” She and Kaiser note those with green auras like to feel inspired and motivated and not judged by their peers. “Greens are some of the most powerful and intelligent people in the aura spectrum,” Kaiser says. “They process information and ideas quickly—so allow them space to share their ideas, and never judge them, as they can take it personally with their sensitive spirit.” While auras are always changing, many people will have a dominant color that seems to show up more often. If that color is green for you or someone you love, now you know why. And though green auras do have the potential to slip into jealous territory, this is ultimately a very harmonious and balanced aura, embodying heart-centered energy.

What It Means To Have A Green Aura   How To Work With It - 91What It Means To Have A Green Aura   How To Work With It - 94What It Means To Have A Green Aura   How To Work With It - 67What It Means To Have A Green Aura   How To Work With It - 46