One of the most important and interesting elements of Reiki is its symbols. Reiki symbols allow people to take their Reiki practice one step further by allowing them to take the energy of Reiki and use it for a specific purpose. While in most cases symbols really only affect the subconscious, Reiki symbols work a bit differently—they actually alert the mind and body to change the way the Reiki energy functions. To activate them, Reiki practitioners can visualize the Reiki symbols, say their names out loud, or even draw them. As long as you’re using intention in the activation process, you can make it happen. In a more abstract sense, cho ku rei can be called upon when you’re working to clear negative energy that may be getting stuck during your Reiki session. And if you want to take the negative energy-clearing power of cho ku rei into your day-to-day life, trying drawing the symbol on walls of rooms where you want the energy to be light and positive. Cho ku rei can also be used when your relationships are in need of a boost. Drawing the cho ku rei symbol on business cards or working to activate it before a job interview or important conversation with a loved one is a great way to go about giving your relationships the boost they need. Cho ku rei can also act as a protection against misfortunes—which typically happen because of impure energy—so activating cho ku rei is an excellent way to purify the energy systems. And if you’re looking to give your meals a nutritional boost, look no further than cho ku rei—it will help remove any negative energy in your food, making the nutrients in it all the more powerful. Additionally, if you’re struggling to kick a bad habit like drinking too much, smoking, or overeating, consider calling on sei he ki as an aid. Bad habits and addictions are often born from negative experiences or negative beliefs about yourself, and visualizing the sei he ki symbol around you can help you cultivate a more positive view of yourself, thus helping eliminate these bad habits. And if you suffer from headaches, turn to sei he ki for guidance. Many headaches are caused by mental and emotional instability, and calling on sei he ki can help balance this out, thus eliminating headaches (and the need for unnatural pain remedies!). Sei he ki also protects you from negative vibes in general, acting as a protective symbol that can protect you from negativity and actually remove negativity from the body. Even better, sei he ki can make your affirmations more powerful. If you’re someone who writes down your affirmations, try drawing the sei he ki symbol next to them—they’ll be a lot more likely to stick. If you’re working on strengthening your relationship with yourself and working to gain more self-awareness or a stronger spiritual practice, dai ko myo is an important symbol to call on, and using it in combination with other Reiki symbols only makes it more effective. Dai ko myo is also an excellent way to help improve your immune system—because dai ko myo improves the flow of energy throughout the entire body, it can help clear blockages that could be holding your immune system back. Additionally, if you’re using any homeopathic remedies to heal your body or improve your life (think herbal tinctures or essential oils), dai ko myo can help enhance those benefits. It can also be used to charge or clear crystals. Another great way to use multiple symbols at once is by sending Reiki to a future event that you’re nervous about or that may bring bad news, like a job interview, a doctor’s appointment, the list goes on. Say the names of cho ku rei, sei he ki, hon sha ze sho nen, and cho ku rei three times each, and visualize them as well while asking them to bring you peace and calming vibrations on the day that event will occur. That way, by the time the event you’re anticipating actually roles around, you’ll be less anxious and better able to focus on what’s actually going on around you. While using these symbols is an excellent way to improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, if you have yet to receive a Reiki session, consider giving one a try. Once you’ve experienced Reiki, you’ll be better able to understand each of these symbols and how to implement them in your day-to-day life. Interested in the practice of Reiki? These 8 women shared their first experiences with Reiki—and they’re fascinating.

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