“This sadness is just hanging on my body,” some clients say. Or, “I feel like I can’t breathe, my chest is so tight.” For many people this can extend across the entire body, including tightness and tension in the shoulders, neck, chest, and/or belly. By working on the physical body as well as on the outer layers of the energetic body, Reiki can facilitate much-needed relief from tension, sadness, grief, and pain. Imagine how much time we spend intertwined with a romantic partner. It stands to reason that one of the most painful parts of a breakup is severing that energetic bond. Those bonds that connect us to our partners across time and space take time to dissolve after a breakup. That’s one reason so many people need space after a breakup. That’s how we hit the reset button on the relationship. Reiki can help clear out the other person’s energy from yours, in addition to removing these energetic cords (with the client’s permission) to speed up the healing process. Additionally, because Reiki treatments promote physical relaxation, they can provide a much-needed respite from obsessive thoughts—this can mean anything from replaying the breakup to reliving the good times to beating themselves up over what went wrong or what they could have done differently. This place of quiet is not only a welcome relief from painful thoughts but can also help the mind to process the breakup more clearly, reaping the lessons and helping the client to heal. And because Reiki infuses the client with calm and peace, it often leads to one of the most important components of healing: forgiveness. Yet more often, because they’ve cleared away the baggage and internalized their lessons, they naturally find themselves in a clearer emotional and energetic space to attract new and healthy love into their lives. Related reads:

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