As spiritual teacher Alyson Charles tells mbg, cardinals can also relate to strength, transformation, and even manifestation. As with any synchronicity or sign that appears to you, it’s important to take into account what was happening when you saw it. And when you have a better understanding of what the cardinal may be trying to tell you, you’re better able to take aligned action. As such, practices to help balance and harmonize your root (such as walking barefoot on the Earth, sitting in nature and receiving the blessings of the wind, and communicating with nature spirits for healing) are a good idea. “Affirmations such as ‘I am in my body; I am safe,’ will support you in times of transformation,” Charles adds. She adds that you can also say aloud, Sacred cardinal, thank you for showing up for me. I receive your messages and blessings and invite you in to further connect with me. I feel this is a time of growing self-empowerment and respect and allow you to share your medicine so that I may develop an even stronger trust in this evolutionary time and emerge enriched and ready to receive even greater blessings in my life. Our homes are our safe spaces and our havens from the world. For a cardinal to show up there for you can indicate a need to tap into your own energy and power to keep your home (and subsequently, your own aura) safe and secure. Perhaps that means setting firmer boundaries, working with your root chakra as previously mentioned, or facing any fears you’ve been avoiding. Again, as Charles explains, you can always directly ask/invite a cardinal to work with you and share its messages, to get a better understanding of what it’s trying to tell you. And from there, you can heed its message and take appropriate action.

Red Cardinal Symbolism  Spiritual Meanings   Why You See Them - 73Red Cardinal Symbolism  Spiritual Meanings   Why You See Them - 85Red Cardinal Symbolism  Spiritual Meanings   Why You See Them - 12Red Cardinal Symbolism  Spiritual Meanings   Why You See Them - 56