Maybe you can relate to Julie, a 57-year-old teacher. She was really struggling at this time of her life. She felt her second marriage was about to fall apart. She had zero sex drive. She told me, “And what’s worse, I leak urine when I try to exercise.” She also leaked urine when she coughed or sneezed, and the urgency was restricting her love of “just doing stuff.”  After further questioning, I learned that she also suffered with vaginal dryness and irritation after sex: “the few times we’ve had it in the past year” and a total lack of energy. As she said, “My get-up-and-go got up and left!”  Like Julie, you, too, may be going through age- and hormone-related changes that are interfering with sexual functioning, leading to vaginal dryness, libido problems, and bladder struggles. Good news: The right nutrients, a healthy lifestyle, and targeted natural remedies can prevent or relieve the most common ailments associated with vaginal changes. That’s why we’ve got to talk about how to handle the vaginal issues you’re facing, and learn how to stay healthy—and sexy—for years to come.  There are also natural lubricant solutions, including organic coconut oil, ayurvedic ghee (ghee infused with certain herbs), or an organic lubricant. These do not contain the additional chemicals but offer satisfactory moisturizing benefits. Combine all ingredients in a glass jar. Shake well. Keep by your bedside, and use as much as desired prior to and during intimacy or with intimate massage.

  • A few essential oils that I like to mix in with my DIY lubricant, and ones shown to soothe vaginal tissues, include clary sage, Roman chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) or Cape chamomile (Eriocephalus punctulatus), rose, lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood. A word of caution: Never apply essential oils directly on the vaginal or vulvar skin. Always use a carrier oil or the recipe above, and before using in the vaginal area, test on your inner arm skin first for signs of irritation. Adapted from The Hormone Fix copyright @ 2019 by Dr. Anna Cabeca. Published by Ballantine Books an imprint of Random House Books.

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