Angel numbers are a synchronicity, or a meaningful coincidence—divine guidance from angels and the universe. Keep in mind angel numbers are just one type of sign, and you can receive a sign or synchronicity in countless ways.  If you think something you overhear in line at a store, a book or movie recommendation from a friend, an animal who crosses your path, a helpful person showing up in your life, or a song that comes on the radio might be synchronistic divine guidance, pay attention to how you feel when it happens. Does time seem to slow down, as if the moment is pregnant with meaning? Do you experience physical cues from your intuition like getting chills? Does this potential sign keep popping into your mind hours or days later? Does this potential sign speak to a larger theme in your life? Even if it’s not what you wanted to hear, deep down inside does this information still register as a sign? Any of these could indicate a synchronicity. In the case of angel numbers, sometimes what you’re doing or thinking the moment you see the number is most significant, like thinking you should expand your business and then looking up right as the clock in your office turns 1:11. Or going to start your first day of a gym membership and being assigned locker number 222. Here are some common angel numbers I see along with their general messages from the universe and what to do when you notice them: Sometimes the energy around us is more conducive, and 111 is an indication that the energy around you right now is ripe for taking healthy risks, shifting patterns, or moving projects or relationships forward. Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities and take action steps that focus on your goals, especially regarding anything new you want to create in your life or initiate in the world. For a time I saw the number 222 everywhere. It almost became silly how often I noticed 222 on an electricity bill, on the price tag of clothing, or on a mailbox number. Because I was working hard to change my life and build a new career, the angels placing this number in front of me often made perfect sense. When you are wondering whether you’re on the right path in an area of your life, seeing 222 can be a welcome confirmation from the angels that you’re headed in the right direction and should keep plugging along patiently. 222 is also a number of harmonious partnerships, so when the address of a potential business or romantic partner contains 222, this could be an auspicious sign for collaboration. The number 444 is simply a reminder that angels are near and supporting you, and seeing this number when you’re feeling low can be very comforting and reassuring. You could see 444 after a big win at the office or while you’re enjoying a dream vacation. But you might also see 444 when you’re going through a tough breakup, dealing with a difficult diagnosis, or feeling lonely. This number is assurance that your angels are actually closer than ever now. Now and then, the number 555 will come into my premeditation before I get on the phone with a client for a psychic reading. This angel number lets me know the client is going through a time of major transition with lots of changes. Whatever transition you are going through, even if it’s painful or heartbreaking—being fired, getting divorced, experiencing a healing crisis, moving locations away from loved ones—555 reminds us that transitions are sometimes a restructuring and reconfiguring of your soul’s path. Ultimately you will come out the other side, and angels will be there to help you rebuild when you do. This number can be a call or need for balance in all our affairs, and you might see it if you have a health concern that would benefit from you living a more balanced lifestyle or eating a more balanced diet. 666 can also be a number of sacrifice or letting go of what is not serving you. You might encounter this number when you are experiencing a financial windfall, informing you that balance is in order—some of this money should be put away for a rainy day. This number is also about being of service in the world, which honors the spiritual concept that we are all connected. The number 888 can also be a hint from the angels that they can help us bring more abundance into an area of our life, like romance, career, or health. Unfortunately angels cannot magically change all the circumstances affecting your life, but they always try to help. If you possess an abundance of anything—love, time, money—spread it around, and that same abundance will boomerang back to you! You might see 999 or a split angel number like 909 on a license plate as you drive away from your high school or college graduation ceremony, reminding you that a chapter in your life is ending. You might also see the number 9 when you are struggling to complete a goal, or when you are losing steam toward the end of a large project, reminding you that success or the finish line is right around the corner.

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