In the case of air, you’ve got Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Here, we look at what it really means to be an air sign, plus how to find balance if you have a lot of air in your chart. As such, the AstroTwins explain that Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius can come off a bit cerebral, and even air-headed, but the truth is they just love exploring new things (from ideas to people to places). As the twins note, “Air signs bring everyone a breath of fresh air when things start to get stale. Like the breeze, you can’t quite catch them, and you never know where they’ll drop you once they sweep you up. It will almost always be an adventure, though.” These signs live for stimulating conversation, and communication is often a theme in both their relationships (romantic and non) and their careers. They’re typically humorous and witty people who love to socialize and never stay put for too long. While their free-spirited mentality is sure to keep things interesting, air signs do need to be aware of becoming scattered, as their “all over the place” energy can leave them feeling ungrounded. These folks can get along with a wide variety of people, but it’s especially important for them to find kindred spirits with whom they can share their thoughts, ideas, and humor. That could look like walking barefoot on the Earth (aka earthing), immersing themselves in a sound bath, or simply spending time with people who are a grounding force in their life. This is a very social sign—symbolized by twins facing each other—that loves to chat (and, of course, gossip). Geminis have an insatiable need for mental stimulation, as their sign is also associated with the mind and knowledge. Don’t be surprised if the Geminis in your life are “jack-of-all-trade” types, as they love to multitask, try new things, and explore niche ideas and concepts. They love understanding how things work and why, and further, discussing what they’ve learned. Some other traits associated with Gemini include: These folks also have a keen eye for fashion, decor, and all things pleasing to the eye. If you need shopping advice, a Libra should definitely be the first person you turn to. According to the twins, they’re the “aesthete, fashionista, and tastemaker who sets standards in beauty and social environments.” Libra is symbolized by the scale, as these signs are all about balance (and their season falls halfway through the year). This is a sign that wants everything to be beautiful and infused with love. They also take their relationships very seriously and have a reputation for being equally as flirtatious as they are indecisive. On top of that, Libras are also known to be: These people are often known for being on the quirky side and have no problem challenging the status quo. They’re arguably the most independent of the air signs, with a visionary quality about them that’s impossible to miss. The twins note they, too, make excellent leaders, with an innate ability to take charge. And as the second to last sign in the astrological year, Aquarian folks can be quite wise and may surprise you with their insightful and novel ideas. Some other Aquarian traits include: The key is understanding how the elements in your chart come together so you can find balance. If you have a lot of Gemini, Libra, and/or Aquarius in your chart, revel in your ability to communicate and learn new things—just remember to come back down to Earth once in a while.

Air Sign Guide  What It Means To Be A Gemini  Libra   Aquarius - 45Air Sign Guide  What It Means To Be A Gemini  Libra   Aquarius - 44Air Sign Guide  What It Means To Be A Gemini  Libra   Aquarius - 7Air Sign Guide  What It Means To Be A Gemini  Libra   Aquarius - 16Air Sign Guide  What It Means To Be A Gemini  Libra   Aquarius - 83Air Sign Guide  What It Means To Be A Gemini  Libra   Aquarius - 75Air Sign Guide  What It Means To Be A Gemini  Libra   Aquarius - 3Air Sign Guide  What It Means To Be A Gemini  Libra   Aquarius - 26