Shoulder and neck muscles are often the first casualties of stress and tension. There are a lot of different reasons for this, one being that the shoulder joint itself is complex. Without getting too bogged down in anatomy (although it’s extremely interesting and worth understanding), here are six simple ways that can help relieve tension from both the shoulders and neck. For increased joint mobility, practice both eagle and cow face poses.  Make sure that you’re releasing your shoulders and jaw as you do this. Another simple stretch is to gently turn your head to look over your shoulder and lightly pull your chin into your neck. There are so many reasons for neck and shoulder pain, that sometimes it’s hard to believe that simple solutions work. It’s always best to experiment with what works for your body, as well as seeking out your doctor or physical therapist for a more targeted solution. At any rate, beginning to notice where in your body you can soften and strengthen is a great place to start.

6 Ways to Relieve Tight Shoulder   Neck Muscles - 766 Ways to Relieve Tight Shoulder   Neck Muscles - 566 Ways to Relieve Tight Shoulder   Neck Muscles - 746 Ways to Relieve Tight Shoulder   Neck Muscles - 83