The quick answer is yes. I know this statement may irritate some people, but hear me out. While brain imaging research shows we are equally smart, our brains are wired differently.  Before delving into these findings, it is critical to remember that not all female brains are the same just as male brains are not all alike. In addition, more research is needed to provide a deeper understanding of the brains of nonbinary and transgender individuals. What is clear from the existing research is that in general, men and women are all capable of succeeding at various tasks; however, we may call on different brain regions and networks in doing so.  Here are six fascinating differences between the female brain and the male brain:  Empathy allows women to be loving and nurturing, but it can also morph into an overwhelming feeling that you have to take care of everyone before your own needs ever get met. Higher activity in the emotional centers of the brain is also associated with a higher risk of depression and anxiety. A study1 in the Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience shows that women are nearly twice as likely as men to experience depression, and other research2 suggests a similar increased risk for anxiety in women.  When women worry, their busy brains and associative thinking powers kick in, which means one worrisome idea quickly connects with others to build momentum that can snowball out of control. The worry that is so useful in small doses can stress women to the point where it hurts the brain and body and won’t allow for rest. Men’s worries are more likely to be confined, and they are able to compartmentalize their problems.   

6 Ways Male   Female Brains Are Different  From A Neuroscientist - 66 Ways Male   Female Brains Are Different  From A Neuroscientist - 776 Ways Male   Female Brains Are Different  From A Neuroscientist - 106 Ways Male   Female Brains Are Different  From A Neuroscientist - 67