These numbers will show up in moments that seem like a miraculous coincidence (aka a synchronicity), Richardson explains, adding, “Sometimes what you’re doing or thinking the moment you see the number is most significant, like thinking you should expand your business and then looking up right as the clock in your office turns 1:11.” “You have the ability to create,” she explains, adding, “Your world is shaped and altered by your thoughts and words. Right now you are creating, and the powerful forces of the universe are working with you.” “You are never alone, and your angels are reminding you that so many small things together create a miraculous and cumulative outcome,” she explains. This number is a reminder to nurture all parts of you, and focus on where you can do better at listening to the things you have left neglected within, she adds. Seeing the number four reminds you to go to the foundations of self and take inventory of what is lacking," she notes, adding, “You can’t build yourself up without maintaining all the good work you’ve already done.” What to do when you see it: Whenever you see angel numbers, it’s important to take stock of what was happening at the moment you saw it. Were you thinking about your next career move or a big project you want to undertake? Seeing 1234 in a moment like that is a sign that it’s a path worth following. What to do when you see it: Somewhat self-explanatory, but in this case, 1234 means you ought to stick to your goals! If you see 1234 as you’re completing some task that’s aligned with your goal or path, it’s a sign from your angels, guides, or the universe to keep at it. What to do when you see it: According to Michaela, when you see 1234 in this context, it’s a reminder that every little thing is important and not to be dismissed as too inconsequential. While the big picture goal is important to keep in mind, it’s often the details that bring it to fruition. What to do when you see it: Stay on your path, keep working toward your goals, and mind the details. When you do, this number suggests you can prepare for success. What to do about it: “Perhaps it’s time to talk about next steps such as moving in together or deciding about children,” Michaela says, adding, “It’s a nudge from the universe to create a shared vision for the future.” What to do about it: Seeing 1234 is encouraging you to take some steps for no one other than yourself, Michaela notes. “If you are waiting for someone else to make a move, time to stop that altogether and make one yourself,” she explains, adding that 1234 asks you to take control. As Michaela explains, twin flame relationships are about rebirth, renewal, and seeing yourself in an uncomfortable and passionate context, so you can evolve spiritually. “Seeing 1234 lets you know that in this time of free-falling with your twin flame, nothing is happening in vain. Every step helps you grow closer to self and spirit during this process,” she says. It also signifies you’re reaching a new version of yourself and the type of relationship you want long term, Michaela explains, adding, “If it’s with this person, that’s wonderful, but if the vision does not align, seeing 1234 is a comfort that this is just the beginning.”

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